Good video content is powerful. There’s a statistic which claims a sixty second video can deliver as much information as 1.8 million words! Whether this is entirely accurate or not, there is scientific evidence to prove that video content is more memorable than the written word. 65% of people are visual learners and 30% are auditory learners. Video combines the learning capacity of both visual and auditory stimulus. When used in conjunction with well written content, video is an effective medium for increasing brand and product awareness.
Video has the ability to convey large amounts of information in moments. To do this the message must be well considered, clear and concise. Imagery can create an instantaneous understanding of your product, so quality images are vital. But information and images alone aren’t always enough to lead a consumer to action, it’s emotions which drive behaviour. Colour, music and sound are evocative. They can create feelings which build an emotional connection with your brand. Once you’ve honed your message to perfection, you can select and incorporate music which supports the emotion you want to trigger. This will depend on your audience and the resulting action you want to achieve. 48% of consumers trust video ads, because they trust their own emotional responses.
Video is easy to watch and takes little effort to absorb. People enjoy stories, and with video it’s easy to create an entire story in seconds; whilst adopting a relaxed, friendly approach. When linked to social media, enjoyable video content is easy to share, helping to promote you brand into new territories. Due to its emotive qualities video is also more likely to go viral than other medium.
Consumers spend more time on sites with videos. Online analytics provide metrics to indicate which content generates the most positive actions, shares and interactions. This can be used to improve and perfect your video content, to appeal to the correct audiences and increase conversions. According to Implix, linking video content hosted on your site to e-marketing activities, can increase conversion rates by as much as 96%, whilst videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 80%.
YouTube is an ideal platform to launch your video content to the world, and it’s free. Cisco anticipate that YouTube will account for 69% of consumer video traffic in 2017. When considering that 78% of people currently watch at least one YouTube video per week and 55% of people visit YouTube every day, it’s easy to comprehend the value of video content creation. Plus, YouTube videos are easy to view on any device, appealing to mobile users; so your brand can be accessed from any location.
Google purchased YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion, the equivalent at the time of £880 million! This investment means that sites which incorporate video linked to YouTube are favoured by Google by up to 53%, making video creation a powerful SEO tool.
The value of quality video content is undeniable, yet knowing how to create and add video can be daunting. Getting the message right and selecting imagery and music which creates the right tone for your brand requires insight. Editing and rendering video can be time consuming and for poor quality websites, adding video may impact web loading speed if not properly optimised. However, there are now an extensive range of packages available to help you produce and host video content; including templates which can be customised for your market.
Our marketing specialists at JDR are always happy to offer practical advice and guidance on the most cost effective ways to incorporate video into your wider marketing strategy. When the benefits of video marketing include improved search engine ranking, more visitors, lower bounce rates, increased engagement, higher conversions and a growing audience…. what are you waiting for?