Digital Prosperity Blog

What Is Quality Score In Google AdWords? - JDR Group

Written by Leanne Mordue | 20-Jun-2019 08:53:27

HubSpot is an award-winning software platform created to help you manage your online marketing, your sales and customer service. You can think about it as a one-stop-shop for everything related to lead generation, customer acquisition, CRM, digital campaign management, and customer service. As a certified HubSpot partner, we recommend HubSpot to many of our clients, even if (and especially if) they are small businesses. HubSpot is very user friendly, so it is quick to at least pick up the basics. It’s easy to set up, and they have a range of features which replace many other software tools. HubSpot can also deliver an impressive range of useful metrics, which you can use to make informed decisions about your sales and marketing strategy.

Here Are Just Some Examples Of metrics HubSpot Lets You Track:

  • The number of visitors your site receives over your chosen time frame (per day/week/month / between specific dates, etc.).
  • Customer satisfaction/NPS scores
  • Which channels are sending more customers to your site (Pay-Per-Click campaigns, social media, referral, emails, etc.).
  • Activity and conversion rates of individual salespeople.
  • Social media performance – new followers, interactions, clicks and leads from your various social media channels.
  • Which visitors become customers and at what point this happens, so you can make changes to improve your sales process.
  • Which keywords/search phrases customers are using to find you on Google.
  • Which website pages get the most/least visits.
  • Sales pipeline forecasting.
  • Video performance – if you have videos on certain pages, how far through the videos do people watch?
  • The amount of time people are spending viewing your website, broken down by page.
  • The number of views and clicks to your social media, blog posts, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Page bounce rates (how many visitors are leaving your site after visiting a specific page).
  • Email metrics ranging from how many emails were sent to how many were opened and how many people followed through and clicked on the link to your website.
  • The number of qualified leads coming to your site (these are potential customers that have the financial means, interest, and a need for your products or services).
  • Conversion rate (how many site visitors become paying customers).
  • ROI from different types of marketing spend (Google AdWords, Facebook Ads etc.)
  • Blog article performance (views, click throughs and leads for each blog article)

Using HubSpot Data To Your Best Advantage

Now you have all these metrics at your fingertips, what do you do with them? HubSpot metrics are extremely helpful to marketing specialists like the JDR team, as we use them to identify potential "wins" for your company and any areas for improvement to ensure you get the most out of all the functionalities offered by HubSpot. Moreover, if you choose to work with us, you’ll receive comprehensive HubSpot training and monthly updates from a dedicated account manager who will discuss your metrics and the next steps to take your business forward.

JDR Group are a Platinum HubSpot agency, and one of the leading HubSpot partners in the UK. By working with a certified HubSpot partner you can get the most from HubSpot, and get more traffic, more leads, and more sales for your business.

Call 01332 343281 to speak with one of our consultants and take the next step towards better-informed marketing.

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