Digital Prosperity Blog

Successful Prospecting – The Digital Prosperity Podcast – Season 6

Written by Will Williamson | 22-Jul-2024 11:30:00

The latest episode of The Digital Prosperity Podcast focuses on the art of successful prospecting and the ways to make your company stand out when trying to reach new customers.

Is cold calling still an effective strategy?

In today’s digital world, cold calling has become increasingly difficult, and its effectiveness has significantly reduced.

With so many more people either working from home or using Caller ID, telemarketers found it much harder to reach decision-makers by phone.

In the episode, JDR Group director Will Williamson said: “We’ve been talking for a long time about how in this world where people receive up to 6.000 marketing messages every single day, people are increasingly trying to avoid distractions.

“I think people avoid inbound calls, and telemarketing calls, more than ever.”

How else can businesses generate more outbound leads?  

For Will, it is essential that businesses use as many outreach channels as possible, especially those who are looking to reach a very niche market.

He said: “There will be people that won’t respond to calls, but they will pick up emails.

“There will be some people that their inboxes are absolutely full, but they are very active on LinkedIn and respond to messages.

“Having a sequence, a system where there are multiple touch points or outreach attempts across different channels is probably the most effective.”

Both speakers highlighted that thanks to tools like HubSpot, salespeople are now able to automate this process.

At JDR, we have organised multiple webinars focusing on HubSpot and how to effectively use its tools and automation. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please go to our webinars page.

The importance of personalisation

Andy Gibbins, our Business Development Manager, made a recommendation in our last episode “How To Get More Sales From Marketing”, that video prospecting is one of the many tools that will help people understand that you want to help them, making them more likely to become leads.

A tailored video message is an excellent way to stand out in today’s very crowded and noisy market.

Andy said: “I think that the thing that we’ve built over the last few episodes of this is taking the time to build a relationship with people and make them feel that you’re trying to help them.

“Content is a great way of doing that, and personalisation as well - tailoring the content that people receive, and having a system in place so that you’re automatically sending messages that are informative.

“I’ve seen great success by giving people content and resources in email campaigns because people naturally assume you want to work with them.”

When we started embracing inbound marketing here at JDR, we also started to see an increase in outbound response rates (which had previously been declining). If you would like to know more about inbound marketing and how JDR can help you, please get in touch with our team.

Do not forget to subscribe to our podcast on any of the available mediums – iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, and YouTube – to learn new tips and tricks that will help set your small to medium-sized business apart!

JDR Group · The Art Of Successful Prospecting - The Digital Prosperity Podcast Season 6 Episode 3