Check Out The JDR Digital Prosperity Podcast Season Six

Graphic with people placing their hands on top of each other with the words digitial prosperity podcast in the background.

One of the best kept secrets of the digital marketing world is our very own Digital Prosperity Podcast, which you can listen to for free on SoundCloud and on YouTube. Now on Season Six, the podcast gives us the opportunity to take a deep dive into various aspects of digital marketing, sales, and SME business development. Seasons one to five were hosted by David Roberts and Will Williamson, and Andy Gibbins, our Business Development Manager, has taken over as host for Season Six.

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Why listen to our podcast?

Podcasts are a fun and informal way of unpicking the details of quite complex subjects, discovering new angles, and expressing information in ways that are difficult to do concisely within a blog. In previous episodes, we have discussed answers to our most common questions, and chatted about topics from content marketing to B2B marketing strategies and exit strategy planning.

In other episodes we’ve shared our candid thoughts about sales trends, Brexit, Donald Trump’s attempts at blogging, The Pandemic, and recession proof growth strategies. We have also recorded podcasts at some of the events we have attended (such as these episodes from Inbound 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts), featuring interviews and industry updates.

In short, there’s something for everybody on the podcast. Episodes range from quick 7 to 10 minute updates to more detailed roundtable discussions of 25 to 40 minutes, and are perfect for putting on in the background while grabbing a coffee or catching up on admin. It’s like having us in the office with you!

What we’re discussing in Season Six

So far, we’ve released three episodes in Season Six, with more on the cards over the coming months.

Episode one: What does sales look like in 2024? Andy interviews JDR founding member and director Will Williamson, dissecting all the main trends affecting digital marketing this year, from AI to automation, and how the role of the traditional salesperson has changed over the last few decades.

Episode two: How to get more sales from marketing: Andy and Will share proven tips to help small businesses improve their marketing ROI and achieve higher sales and revenues.

Episode three: The art of successful prospecting: in this episode, Andy and Will reflect on ways that prospecting has been done historically, how this has changed in recent years, and how business owners and their salespeople can use new prospecting technologies and software to follow up more leads and close more deals.

Find out more

Subscribe to our Digital Prosperity Podcast on YouTube or SoundCloud to keep up-to-date with new episodes, and please check out our back catalogue of past episodes. If you’d like to discuss any of the issues we have raised or have any suggestions for upcoming episodes, please contact us by calling 01332 982247.

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