Digital Prosperity Blog

Boost Your ROI: Effective Lead Generation Solutions You Can Implement

Written by Leanne Mordue | 15-May-2016 15:45:00

To draw in steady business with minimal effort, it is advisable to incorporate lead generation solutions into your company’s processes. Targeted online marketing can be an effective method of driving sales through lead generation.

There are even lead generation solutions that you can implement with little cost to your business, making them ideal for a good ROI.

Use LinkedIn

Though they may have a LinkedIn company page, many businesses do not adequately use LinkedIn to their advantage when it comes to Internet marketing lead generation. Leading industry figures in the marketing sector have said that LinkedIn’s conversion rate is nearly three times higher than other social media channels, purely because of its business focus and simplicity.

A free way of making LinkedIn work for you is to join groups and participate in discussions. Provide useful information and expert insight, and you will soon find you are gaining connections and widening your range of influence. The more people you know - and the more contact details you have - the better your online lead generation strategy will be. You can also share interesting content to keep your contacts engaged and inspire interaction.

Use Twitter and Crowdfire

Though LinkedIn’s conversion rate might be higher, Twitter is still a useful tool for lead generation through online marketing. You can promote sales, services and products entirely for free on this social media platform, meaning with time and effort invested, you can make a significant return on investment. You can search for individuals to follow and target for promotions by using the in-depth search functions Twitter provides.

Once you have set up your Twitter account, you can also set up a Crowdfire account, which offers a free Twitter management service. Using Crowdfire’s app, you can track who is following you and who is not, and set up an auto-reply message for when someone follows you. Put a call to action in the message, and you are on your way to getting people to engage and become useful leads.

Create an email newsletter with MailChimp

If you have a database of contacts, you can easily reach out to them using online marketing tools such as MailChimp. If you only have a few contacts, MailChimp is free, but even with a large database of contacts to reach out to through online marketing, you will see a good return on investment for the money you put in. You can use it to put out engaging content on a regular basis, and you can track the statistics of how many people are interacting with your efforts. This is a good way of judging the lead generation capability of your email marketing strategy. Make sure you put a good call to action on each email, and to encourage people to engage even further with your business by taking one step further to make a sale.

Use the assets you already own

If you have a business, chances are you have already put some money behind your website. However, tweaking your website will only cost you a small amount, as you have already invested time and effort into the portal. There are some easy-to-implement changes that you can make right now to generate leads online for a relatively small sum.

If you have a website with a blog, you should start to put calls to action on each blog post. Write an interesting article that relates to something you offer, such as a service or product, and put an offer at the end. This giving and rewarding system will encourage people to buy products or use services, simply because they have read something useful or interesting to them and been offered an easy way to take the next step.

If your website does not already have one, try adding a live chat box to give visitors another way of contacting you. By having someone immediately on hand, you are giving customers the opportunity to get in touch quickly and have their questions answered promptly. This will improve their opinion of your business, and likely lead to further sales.

After reading this list, you can see that there are lead generation tools that will cost you either very little in terms of capital, or will pay off with a little hard graft. The tools are all available online and only require a brief sign up process to get started, so there is no excuse to start developing an internet marketing lead generation strategy. Get in touch with one of our team today for more proven lead generation advice and see what we can do for your business.