Digital Prosperity Blog

How To Get Your Website Optimised For Lead Generation - JDR Group

Written by Will Williamson | 21-Apr-2016 14:30:00

When evaluating your website for lead generation optimisation, it is critical to take into account the myriad of ways that conversions from traffic to leads can take place. Using the website lead generation checklist below, ensure that your website is not losing your business opportunities and get your site working hard for you.

Your Homepage

Your website home page is the sole most useful tool in website lead generation. It is the first point of contact for visitors, and depending on how they are engaged by the content and visuals on the home page, they may become leads for business.

The key points for a great homepage include easy navigation, useful and catchy copywriting, highlighting the most important content first and including ways for people to engage with the business. Easy navigation is necessary for drawing people into exploring other areas of the site, and for engaging with the business. Useful and interesting copywriting is essential for giving people information on the business and for encouraging them to learn more; without this, a home page can be less than helpful for potential leads.

Highlighting vital content first is a must-do, simply because people do not linger on home pages any longer than they have to. By putting the vital information first, that first 15 seconds on the site will act as a hook for keeping a lead interested. Including contact details and other ways of engaging with the business is also very important; add some calls to action buttons, such as offering downloadable content or signing up to a newsletter, to keep people engaged.

Landing Pages

Any pages that people will land on once following external links (such as those posted on social media) should immediately be of use to the visitor. A good, keyword-rich headline, followed by relevant, snappy content, will do wonders for website lead generation. A landing page should ideally only focus on one solid call to action, as too many options can become distracting for customers or clients. Clarity is key here; bullet points may be necessary. A landing page offers the best opportunity for including a short sign up or contact form, for offering a platform for a business deal or to incentivise visitors to engage.  To learn more about how to get the most from your landing pages, here is a great article - 4 Top Secret Tips on Great Landing Pages That Convert.

General Website Content

Make sure your website is clean and easy to comprehend and navigate through - you would not want to lose leads simply because of a technical issue! Calls to action should be used consistently across the site, and the design should be clear and attractive to your target lead-generating audience. Use keyword-rich content that reads easily. Ensure you put appropriate headlines on each page. A consistent tone or approach is definitely advisable, as your business should be presented as a solid brand, rather than haphazardly put together.

Your Product and Service Pages

These have to be the clearest and simplest-to-understand pages of the whole website. It would be unfortunate to invite and engage users, only to lose them at the very last hurdle. Use appropriate calls to action on each product item, and provide a simple way for enquiries to be directed to the business to ensure leads are not lost. List all the relevant information upfront, as fruitless searching will put off potential leads. Make sure that you tackle all of the things that may cause customer or client hassle, such as pricing and finer details, to ensure that anyone reading the page will come away satisfied with their knowledge.

Contact Page

This almost goes without saying, but the contact page should be as clear and to the point as possible. Make sure all relevant details are included, as well as details of individuals within the business that could be useful to contact. Calls to action here should aim to find out more information. The content should encourage your clients to call for quotes and become active leads.

Your entire website has the possibility of generating leads, not simply the contact or home page. By recalibrating the content on each page to focus on lead generation you amplify the impact of your site and encourage more potential customers to get in touch.