Digital Prosperity Blog

5 Effective Ways to Follow Up with Prospects Respectfully - JDR Group

Written by Will Williamson | 11-May-2020 11:08:34

While it's crucial to engage with potential customers throughout the buying journey, if you pester them, they may go elsewhere. So how can you convert leads into clients without coming across as pushy? Here are some ideas to try.

1) Use The Right Communication Channels

There are host of channels you can communicate through nowadays, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages. While you can build strong working relationships via phone or video calls, for example, you may get a speedier response if you conduct your business via email or text-. Using direct messaging features on social media platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, can also get fast results. However, ask prospective clients how they prefer you to contact them and try to use their chosen channels whenever appropriate, so they know you're a company that listens.

2) Send Communications At Appropriate Times

If you follow-up with customers at the right stages in the buying journey, you could boost your conversion rates. In order to do that, you'll need to map their progress through your sales pipeline. Study the data you hold about your previous leads to gauge when prospects are likely to make key decisions and send them persuasive messages at those times. Not only will you be more likely to make more sales, you'll streamline your processes and cut costs. You'll be able to automate follow-up emails and schedule sales call reminders more easily.

3) Personalise Your Messages

When following up leads, don't forget to give your communications a personal touch. Recent research has shown that eight out of ten consumers want businesses to treat them like people rather than numbers. What's more, simply personalising the subject lines of your emails can boost the chances of them being opened by 26 percent. Individualising your messages enables you to build relationships with your prospects, increasing the likelihood that they'll become clients. If you use the latest customer relationship management (CRM) software, you can personalise communications produced by automated processes too.

4) Vary Your Approach

If you're having the same conversations with prospects or sending out the same old emails time and time again, you're missing a trick. Stand out from the competition by presenting your client with information in creative and engaging ways. You could add videos to your emails, for example, or invite prospects to free webinars on topics that would interest them. You could send them links to fresh content on your website, podcast episodes, or downloadable eBooks. Utilise visual content, such as infographics, to grab their attention and keep your brand fresh in their minds.

5) Know When To Let Go

While it's tempting to keep pursuing leads in a hope that they'll convert, sometimes you simply need to say goodbye. Not only will you waste time and energy by continuing to contact a prospect who isn't responding, it will increase your acquisition costs. Craft a final communication saying that you'll be removing them from your contact list but you'd be happy to hear from them in future. Remind them of your contact details, then turn your attention to the other leads.

We Can Help

If you need any help with developing your follow-up processes, contact JDR. We can help you to create a successful strategy.

Image source: Pixabay