Digital Prosperity Blog

How To Get More Sales From Marketing - The Digital Prosperity Podcast

Written by Azucena Mugnier | 18-Jul-2024 13:25:00

When business owners invest in marketing, quite often it is not because they want better marketing – it is because they want more sales. But marketing alone does not guarantee sales! When correctly implemented, marketing will help generate interest - but this will then need to be converted into sales.

In this episode of The Digital Prosperity Podcast called “How To Get More Sales From Marketing”, Andy Gibbins interviews Will Williamson to discover how businesses can get more sales and increase their return on investment from marketing.

Why Are Sales Not Generated By Marketing?

Anyone who shows interest in your business, products, or services (also known as a lead), could become a potential customer or generate a sale.

Marketing helps your business grow by increasing people's attention, interest, and hopefully their trust in you and your business. It is then necessary for salespeople to connect and advise leads for them to fully convert into customers.

How To Maximise Your Sales From Marketing?

One of the simplest things your business can do to maximise your sales is prioritising new leads by following up quickly. Statistics from Vendasta show that around 78% of customers will buy from the businesses that are first to follow up.

This research also discovered that a delay longer than five minutes will decrease your conversion rates by up to 80%. With 55% of businesses taking more than five days to respond to new leads and enquiries, this delay has a devastating impact on their sales as they are most likely lost to competitors with a faster turnaround.

Will Williamson said: “When a buyer is thinking about that particular problem or that need, that’s the time to speak to them – when they’re thinking about it.

“The reason that five minutes stats hits home is that person, once they’ve made their enquiries, they then move on to their next tasks or jobs, switch out of that zone.

“The longer it goes, the more that pain they were in when they were doing the search drops, the less of a priority it becomes, and the less likely it is that you’re going to get a response when talking to them.”

By having a follow-up system that is quick, frequent, and persistent but also provides information to people you are ensuring the sale once your leads are ready to buy.


How To Correctly Follow Up On Those Leads?

For Will, the best way to follow up on your leads is by calling them despite the younger generation's dislike for voice calls.

He said: “You get more sorted out, it’s more direct, and the response rates goes up really significantly.

“You’re able to find out what people’s concerns are, what challenges are, answer them, explain, understand them.

“You do it in a human way where you build relationships.”

You can benefit from using tools like HubSpot or other CRM systems as they allow you to automate many tasks that can help you keep nurturing those leads.

Andy Gibbins also recommends doing follow-up videos as you will be able to personalise and tailor those messages which will add a human touch to the process.

As a marketing agency with 20 years of experience, we at JDR, have put together a brand-new guide titled “How To Increase Sales” which will help any small to medium-sized businesses looking to explore this subject further.

You can listen to the full episode on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Spotify - and if you require further help on the subject, please contact our team. Do not forget to subscribe to the show to be notified once our next episode is released!

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