Digital Prosperity Blog

E-Commerce Onsite SEO – Where To Start - JDR Group

Written by Adam Jones | 09-Jun-2015 10:00:00

Have you recently had a new E-Commerce Website built? Have you started any onsite SEO work for it yet? It is forever becoming more and more important that you set up your onsite product SEO before your new website goes live or shortly after! You may now be thinking 'I don't even know where to start', and you would not be the only person thinking this. In this article I will be discussing some simple points that you can take action on to help improve the visibility of your products on the different Search Engines Including Bing and Google.

Step 1 – Add good relevant Title Tags, Meta Descriptions and Keywords

You may be familiar with adding Title Tags and Meta Descriptions to normal pages on your website, but it is also important that you add them to every single product on your website. This may sound a massive task, and in most cases it is, but it is a task worth completing! The reason you want to make sure every product has a unique Title Tag and Meta Description is so that Search Engines can pick your products up easier. The more detail you are able to give to the Search Engines, the more they will know about your website and business. If you can give Google for example more information about your products, they will have more reason to rank your site, why would you not do it?

If you have hundreds of products on your website I would suggest that you start with a small batch of products each day. Spend around half an hour a day working through your products, and before you know it, you will have completed all your products onsite SEO!

Step 2 – Make sure every product is named correctly on your website

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that a product name is purely useful to you - The business owner, so that you can see what a customer has ordered. Product names have a massive effect on your customers too. You need to make sure every product is named correctly and detailed on your website. This will not only help your new potential customers navigate around the site, but again it will help Search Engines pick up on what exactly your products are. If a Search Engine can crawl through your website and pick up that every product has a detailed product name, description with relevant information on and good tags then when they report back to the Search Engine Database they will be able to know more about your business. They can then start to show your products when a searcher types in a product name into the Search Engine. If you just have random product titles your products will never rank highly on Search Engines. As long as you keep them relevant and detailed, your website will perform great.

Step 3 – Make sure every product has a great description and image

You may just think that having a product description and image 'fills' the product page out so it looks a bit better for the customer, but in fact it is very important to make sure you have great images and a great description. This again not only comes back to Search Engines knowing more about your business and website, but customers love to read product features and see the products in action. If you are able to write a detailed product description, which includes the products features, materials its made from, common questions and more this will give your product listing a massive advantage. It will boost the customers confidence of the product meaning they will be more likely to buy it, and it will give the Search Engine results a boost too. As previous points stated, the more information you can give Search Engines the more they know about your business and products, meaning they can show you for more search queries.

By simply completing the above steps you can help your products get found by more and more people, if you have any questions please comment below.

Article by: Adam Jones