Driving Business Growth with HubSpot Automation

Graphic showing how Hubspot email marketing can drive business growth.

Any business owner who’s ever had to wear multiple hats to juggle all the tasks involved in a marketing campaign will appreciate the timesaving value of HubSpot’s automation tools. This is one of the big draws of the platform for independent and small businesses, but the value of automation goes beyond the time saved. The true value of HubSpot’s automation features isn’t timesaving at all, but the way in which the platform is calibrated to drive business growth across all your marketing and sales channels.

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HubSpot and marketing automation

Marketing automation and HubSpot are virtually synonymous. The way in which many platforms now automate essential operations in marketing, sales, and customer service was pioneered and perfected by HubSpot, freeing up users to focus on high-impact business development strategies. In fact, ‘marketing automation’ is such a commonly used term these days that it is easy to take for granted how powerful and life changing it can be.

Automation isn’t so much a HubSpot tool as a methodology. Automation is fundamental to the way the platform works, and at the heart of these capabilities is the ability to design and implement automated workflows to manage various aspects of your customer life cycle.

From email lead nurturing campaigns that automatically send targeted emails based on user behaviour, to sales pipelines that logically progress prospects through stages based on predefined criteria, HubSpot makes it easy to consistently engage your prospects and follow-up leads without manual intervention.

Email marketing:

Automation is particularly powerful when it comes to email marketing, letting you schedule a workflow or drip feed tailored emails to customers based on specific triggers, such as when your customer downloads a resource or fills out a form. This feature guarantees prompt communication that keeps your audience engaged and moves them progressively closer to the conversion.

Not only is time saved, but no leads are wasted through communication delays, saving you thousands of pounds in lost opportunities. This increases your ROI from email marketing and enables better use of each inbound contact. When managing your emails manually, you may be faced with a judgement call about which messages are most worth responding to – which is invariably the warmest leads. This means that most inbound leads are wasted through lack of time. With automation, prospects that aren’t ready to buy aren’t ignored; they are nurtured to the point where they are ready to convert, while ‘hot leads’ are automatically prioritised through HubSpot’s lead scoring system so they can be followed up straightaway.

Social media:

Social media marketing management is another area where HubSpot automation can drive business growth. HubSpot enables you to schedule posts across multiple social channels in advance, so you can publish regular content without requiring daily attention. Some responses to social media interactions can also be automated – such as automated thank you messages – facilitating responsive customer service and making it easier to keep on top of social media communications.

Customer service:

HubSpot offers an automated ticketing tool that assigns incoming issues based on their topic, customer value, and urgency, so that inbound enquiries can be handled efficiently and by the appropriate member of your team. Automated satisfaction surveys can also be sent out post resolution to gather feedback to improve further service. This can have a huge and beneficial impact on customer retention and lifetime value.

Discover the benefits of HubSpot

Discover the business development benefits of HubSpot with JDR, one of the UK’s leading HubSpot partner agencies. To find out more about the platform’s tools and features, and how automation can revolutionise how your business conducts marketing and sales, please get in touch today by clicking here.

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