Digital Prosperity Blog

Solicitors Doubled Website Enquiries and Re-opened Many Cases

Written by Will Williamson | 14-Sep-2021 08:15:00

This client is a well-established firm of family solicitors, who have been providing services to their local community for decades. With an already market-leading position in their local area and no immediate prospect of expansion, the challenge was 'how can we even further increase market share?'

In this case study we'll share how we helped them to more than double the number of enquiries from their website, without spending any more on marketing.

At The Start: The Initial Marketing Assessment

When this client came on board with us in 2018, our first job was to undertake an initial marketing audit in which we analyse their current website and marketing. We then produced a detailed report which included a website analytics review, competitor research, market and keyword research and a critique of the current marketing activity. This analysis identified a few key areas which needed improvement:

  • Their website was run by - so they couldn't edit or change the site.
  • They had syndicated news articles feeding automatically onto their website - articles which were also being published to hundreds of other solicitor's websites. These articles were generic, had no relevance to their business whatsoever, and were classed as 'duplicate content' by Google (so they didn't come up in any Google searches).
  • They had no analytical tools so they couldn't measure or track any data related to their website and marketing.

The Solution - A Comprehensive Marketing Programme

For approximately the same budget they were already investing, we designed a comprehensive marketing programme tailored for their needs, which included:

The Results

So how has all of this impacted the business? Well, it has been significant progress so far, here's a summary of the key results:

Articles Working Well

The original articles we are writing has meant the articles are getting found in Google and traffic to their blog has been steadily increasing, drawing in new prospective customers. With conveyancing being a key service, the articles are especially useful for first time buyers and home movers who are eager to understand the process and learn more about the local market. 

Page One, Number One In Google

With two branches in two local towns, our goal has been to get them to page one of Google for every service (conveyancing, will writing, probate, divorce solicitors, etc) in each of the local towns (and many of the surrounding villages). Not only has this been achieved, but for the majority of these keywords they are not just on page one but are the number one result on page one.

Enquiries From The Website Increased 2.63x

Their website enquiries have grown significantly from where they were before - from an average of 22 enquiries per month when we started work - NOW it's 57 (average over the past 12 months), which is a 2.63x increase on their previous figure.

In other words, for the same marketing investment, their results have more than doubled.

Record Numbers Of Cases Opened

The key metric in firms like this is the number of new cases opened, i.e. the number of new instructions. Not only have these increased, but they have hit record levels over the past 12 months.

Additional Benefits 

Apart from directly attributable sales, there are also softer benefits to good ongoing marketing. For this client, they include:

  • The live chat on their website now takes several enquiries every week - automatically! It has been described (tongue in cheek) as 'our best employee!'
  • Increased brand awareness - the increased activity on social media and on the website has improved name recognition within the local area.
  • A website they control - the previous website had no access, so there was no way of easily updating or changing content.
  • Sales CRM system - they now have a system for tracking cases and follow ups, and a way of logging customer communication.
  • Knowing what works - the source of every lead, enquiry and sale is now tracked automatically so we can see which marketing channels are working
  • Better internal management reporting - so they now have an accurate view of their statistics, which is important for the regular partner management meetings.

Learn more about the other forms of marketing ROI in this article.

Get A Review Of Your Business Marketing

Over the past 17 years we have developed a marketing system designed to help you get more leads, build and market to a database and, ultimately, get more sales. 

To start the ball rolling, you can get a free review of your website & marketing.

It's an opportunity to speak to one of our experts - find out what they think of your website, and get tips of how you can improve so you can attract and win more new customers.

You can get this here: FREE MARKETING AUDIT.