Digital Prosperity Blog

Air Conditioning Contractor Grew to 81 Website Enquiries a Month

Written by Will Williamson | 02-Nov-2021 08:30:00

Key Results:

  • 20x increase in website enquiries - to 81 a month! 
  • From 500 visits a month to 5,000 visits per month
  • Automated responses to enquiries and automated follow ups

This client is an air conditioning and refrigeration contractor that provides new installations as well as servicing/repairs for both residential and commercial customers.

A family business with a business owner who was very hands-on, marketing had always been an area of confusion and frustration and there was never any time to really get to grips with it.

At The Start (2016)

Our first step was to complete a full analysis of their website & marketing and we produced a report detailing all the issues we found, including:

  • They were getting, on average, 684 visits and 4 enquiries per month. So the website was generating some business, but nowhere near enough.
  • They had a website - their website was slow to load, outdated, and couldn't be edited.
  • They had no measurement of how their marketing was working (or not working).

They wanted to work with a more personal and more proactive agency, and to actually see what their marketing investment was doing for the business.

The Marketing Programme

We designed a marketing programme tailored for their business and for their market, which included:

  • Strategy - Regular strategy meetings to plan the marketing activity
  • Web Design - A brand new website and updated branding.
  • PPC Management - Proactive management of the Google Ads account
  • SEO - A local SEO strategy to get them found in the areas they cover
  • Content Marketing - Regular articles written for them
  • CRM System and Automation - We implemented HubSpot, a CRM system with built-in automation to ensure all enquiries are dealt with and followed up.
  • Measurement - Monthly reporting and analysis to continually improve results.

Over the years, we've been working closely together and helped the business evolve and grow.

The Results

  • In the last 12 months they have averaged 3725 visits per month (a huge 5.4x increase on the starting point) and, more importantly, 81 enquiries per month (a 20x increase).
  • In peak (summer) periods, their traffic is now hitting 5,000 visits per month.
  • Now have multiple page one rankings in Google - both locally in the areas they cover, and also nationally.
  • Automated responses to enquiries and leads to help them cope with the leads

As the enquiries have grown, the business has been consistently busy - even during the winter months. They have added more vans out on the road, and built up the team - in fact, building the team and attracting and keeping the best people has been the only thing that has stopped the business growing even further. With this said, the regular phone calls and enquiries provide a flow of work that they can rely on as the business owner builds towards being less hands-on day-to-day.

Here are some of the charts and graphs from the progress:

SEO Progress

As more and more articles have been published, and the SEO work has taken effect this has been the growth in organic traffic:

Website Growth

This is the growth in overall website traffic, from 684 visits a month to a high of over 5,000:

Additional Benefits 

Apart from directly attributable sales, there are also softer benefits to good ongoing marketing. For this client, they include:

  • Increased brand awareness - the increased activity on social media and on the website has improved name recognition within the local area.
  • A website they control - the previous website had no access, so there was no way of easily updating or changing content.
  • Sales CRM system - they now have a system for tracking quotes and follow ups, and a way of logging customer communication.
  • Knowing what works - the source of every lead, enquiry and sale is now tracked automatically so we can see which marketing channels are working

Learn more about the other forms of marketing ROI in this article.

Get A Review Of Your Business Marketing

Over the past 17 years we have developed a marketing system designed to help you get more leads, build and market to a database and, ultimately, get more sales. 

To start the ball rolling, you can get a free review of your website & marketing.

It's an opportunity to speak to one of our experts - find out what they think of your website and get tips of how you can improve, so you can attract and win more new customers.

You can get this here: FREE MARKETING AUDIT.