Your Business Bounce Back From Coronavirus Should Start NOW!
If all goes to plan, in 2-3 months the UK will start to lift the social restrictions and the UK can go back to work. We all expect there to be a surge in demand when this happens, but it won’t be business as usual - this crisis will change business practices forever and your business will need to adapt to the new world.
The past 3-4 weeks have been tough for almost every business in the UK and some industries have been hit especially hard. Over the past few weeks you may have experienced:
- Fear for the survival of your business
- Having to furlough staff
- Difficult conversations with suppliers
- Scrambling to plan your cash flow
- Trying to find funding, and understand the various support options offered by the government
- Lack of time - to keep up with all the announcements and adapt quickly and keep up with the day to day work
Above all, the daily briefings and fast-changing business conditions creates uncertainty, which in turn creates fear. It may even create a sense of panic.
And we are no different, like any business we have been affected by all of the above.
Coming very soon, however is the time when we all need to bounce back. This is going to be a vital few months and how we use this time is going to determine how quickly and how well we all bounce back.
We’re Not Just Going Back To ‘Business As Usual’ – How Sales & Marketing Are Going To Change
Even as we return to ‘business as usual’, until a vaccine or treatment is successfully rolled out there will always be the risk of a second peak and a new rise in cases after restrictions have been lifted. Working remotely, already a growing trend before the crisis, will be even more prevalent and many people who have been forced into it will not return to working in offices or in person as they were before. Many businesses will have had to work out how to deliver their products or services virtually, using online meetings, streaming, video, and by selling online – and will not go back to the old ways. So here are some ways this may change the business landscape:
- Reduced footfall in events, exhibitions and trade shows
- Increase in and acceptance of effectiveness of webinars, online meetings, and use of video and digital media to make buying decisions
- Shift from sales reps on the road to sales reps working internally or remotely
- More online traffic and increased importance on your website and online marketing
There ARE Business Opportunities Ahead
The coronavirus crisis is first and foremost a public health crisis - every single life lost is a tragedy and many people will be fearing for their own health and the health of loved ones.
It’s also an economic crisis, and every recession has economic casualties (which are also all tragic, every single livelihood lost has consequences) - but at the same time, it is a fact that there are economic opportunities that come about in times of recession. If you get your marketing right, your business can be one of the winners and actually come through this period stronger, with more market share.
Many of your competitors will be pulling their oars in, and cutting marketing spend. This reduces advertising competition, meaning the cost per click on Google, Facebook and LinkedIn ads will come down significantly. It also means you have an opportunity to take market share.
‘But I can’t spend money on marketing during a recession – it’s a non-essential’
I realise for many, that now is the last time you want to look at spending money on marketing, especially if you have had to let go or furlough staff - however for the sake of your business and ensuring there is plenty of work when those staff come back, this is exactly the time to be looking at it.
After all, getting customers is THE single most important thing in your business. And in a few months, it is going to be more important than ever.
You also can’t just switch it on like a light, you’ll need to start getting everything ready now – your website, your content, your messages, and most importantly your plan and strategy.
With the extra time that this slow down creates, use it wisely. Thinking time, and time to work on the marketing tasks you never normally get time to.
How JDR Can Help You Right Now
JDR Group have been working with small business owners for 16 years – to help them develop their marketing messages, their sales processes and in delivering the marketing services they need including website design, writing articles and producing content, setting up and managing online marketing (on Google, on social media, on YouTube, etc), getting high Google rankings, planning and sending email campaigns. This is all done to a proven system which is fully measurable, and has long term benefits - and is 100% ‘done for you’.
So how can we help your business right now?
- Put a marketing strategy in place
- Start positioning your business in the search engines now to get good positions ready for the bounce back
- Start creating demand for your products and services now so the taps turn on
- Focus your sales and marketing on digital strategies - in-person, field sales reps and exhibitions and trade shows
- Create the content (blogs, social media, emails and videos) you need to communicate with your customers and prospects during this period and as we return to ‘normal’ in a few months
We are aware that many businesses are operating under financial restrictions currently, and we can find solutions for you to work within your means during this slow down. It all starts with an exploratory call with one of our marketing experts. We have an initial 20 minute discussion to learn more about your circumstances, at the end of which there is no sales pitch and nothing to buy – we will simply seek to understand your circumstances so we can provide advice, and come back to you with solutions that would meet your needs and help you bounce back.
Click here to find out more and book a call with Andy Gibbins; our Business Development Manager TODAY!

Take The Opportunity
How well your business does will be as much about how you bounce back as how you handle this short term crisis – so take the opportunity ahead of you, and use this next 2-3 months to make sure your business is stronger for the crisis, not weaker.
Image source: Unsplash