A Lesson in Social Media Marketing from… Rihanna? Yes, Rihanna!

There are not many people in the western world that haven’t heard of the global superstar Rihanna! She’s a famous pop star and now actress but she is also a brand. Her brand sells records, tour tickets and she also has a popular range of branded products which include perfume and her own fashion label.
Rihanna isn’t necessarily famous for her business skills, however when it comes to her social media marketing there is a lot that many business owners and marketers can learn from her! She keeps herself and her brand in the media spotlight by ensuring she communicates with the world on a regular basis via her social media sites.
Rihanna advertises herself, her music, films and branded products all over various social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, YouTube and Instagram. And she does it in the right way - when making her social media posts she doesn’t just focus on the business side of things; she makes her posts both business and personal.
By mixing the more personal posts in with her business posts she allows her fans a small window into her life and personality - in other words she builds a relationship with her followers.
Rather than just making posts about her products she provides her followers and fans with an insight into her World by giving them glimpses of personality and life by mixing the more social posts with business posts. For example her Facebook post on a Monday may read:
“I’m so tired today I was partying all night with Beyonce and Katy Perry! I think I’m going to have a duvet day!”
This is personal post! But her post on a Tuesday may read:
“Just started work on my brand new album which will be available to buy in stores Nationwide on 2nd August 2013”
This is a business related post! The combination of the two on a regular basis is the perfect mix for any social media campaign! As the customer/potential customer begins to buy into her as well as her products. Ultimately they feel as though despite never meeting her they have some form of relationship with her, which makes them loyal to her and most importantly loyal to her brand!

The 24 year old regularly updates her social media sites with her latest news, events and images; because of this at the last count she had over 28 million Twitter followers and 66 million Facebook fans! Now that’s a lot of people to reach out and advertise to for FREE! Many of Rihanna’s social media posts have gone viral, and some of her posts have even featured on the News (maybe not for the right reasons but hey! All publicity is good publicity, right?). Talk about great exposure!
Her regular social media updates both personal and brand related mean that her followers and fans remain interested in her brand. Despite having millions to spend on marketing campaigns her FREE social media sites have actually become one her most successful marketing tools, playing a huge part in helping to build her brand substantially over the last 5 years.
Rihanna’s hot property right now, and social media sites have most definitely contributed to her popularity, so what’s stopping you from becoming hot property within your industry? Follow in Rihanna’s footsteps and use social media to build your personal and business profile!
Although Rihanna is a global superstar and it may be difficult for your business to become as famous as she is globally there is nothing stopping you and your business from becoming famous within your specialised field/industry!
If you are new to social media, you may want to read our posts 'Beginners Guide to Twitter', and 'How To Create A Facebook Page'
And please use the comments, let me know who you like following on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus - and what marketing lessons can you take from them!
Article by Kerry Baker