Digital Prosperity Blog

7 Creative Ideas To Generate More B2B Leads - JDR Group

Written by Will Williamson | 08-Mar-2016 09:56:00

As any business development professional knows, a flow of new leads are vital to the success of your company – but coming up with creative lead generation ideas can be a challenge. If you're looking for ideas for B2B lead generation, we've got seven great, creative ideas that you can implement on your website.

1. Map Out a Clear Path for Visitors

Yes, choice is a good thing – but think about how you feel when presented with too many choices? Confusion, frustration and irritability are usually the result – is that how you want your site's visitors to feel? Presenting visitors with too many options when it comes to exploring your website increases the chances that they will feel overwhelmed and leave. By limiting their options and mapping out a clear, structured journey through your site, you can increase lead generation and boost conversion rates.

2. Create a Simple Contact Form

Nobody wants to spend hours filling out every single little personal detail on a complicated contact form. Keep your contact form as simple as possible – ideally, it should require minimal information, this, therefore, would include their full name, job title, company name and email address of your contact. Encourage your guests to get in touch by offering a free incentive, such as advice via email or a free eBook. See point 6 below…

3. Use Exit Detection

This is a simple to use technique which can help with B2B leads generation. When you suspect visitors are about to exit your site, hit them with a Call-to-Action (CTA). Your CTA should be something that offers value to your audience. For example, if you're an e-commerce site, you could offer a 20% off discount code that's valid for the next 24 hours. Visitors receive the code, but only if they sign up right now. It's important to ensure you are not too aggressive with this technique – you don't want to show visitors the CTA each time they visit your website. You'll find the majority of exit detection plug-ins can recognise when the same user visits your site and make the required adjustments. Learn more about effective CTAs here - Four Tips for Developing Effective Call to Action Buttons.

4. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging on sites relevant to your industry is a highly effective method of generating leads. Not only can this help your business to improve SEO through links, but it can also boost lead generation. By guest blogging for industry-leading websites in your sector, you can benefit from great client referrals. Blogging on trusted websites also establishes your brand's credibility, making it more likely that people will want to do business with you.

5. Offer Live Chat Support

A live chat feature is a great way to engage site visitors after they have spent a set amount of time on your website. Chat systems such as Olark, are easy to implement and can be used to convert those who may drop off into leads.

6. Offer Your Site Visitors an Item for Free

Giving site visitors free content is a wise move; but not just any free content, personalised gated content. Gated content is any type of content accessed when visitors fill out a lead capture form with their details, such as case studies, webinars, videos and eBooks. The problem with most gated content is that you're relying totally on chance – will your content be relevant to that visitor's needs at that point in time? By personalising your gated content, you're effectively eliminating this risk, and there are two ways to do this: 1) Either ask users what type of gated content interests them, or 2) use content marketing software to track visitor browsing patterns and behaviour, to show them the appropriate piece of content. Learn more on Marketing Software today - 12 Online Marketing Software Programs You Can Replace With Hubspot.

7. Add Testimonials to Your Site

By adding customer testimonials to your site, you're establishing credibility and building trust. Testimonials should include the person's name, the company name and a photograph of the person – these elements are essential to ensure the testimonial is credible. People want to hear about customer experiences with your business.

Developing creative ideas for lead generation doesn't have to be difficult – getting into the mindset of your site visitors is really the key. There are hundreds of ideas that you can implement to generate more B2B leads for your site – but we hope that these seven ideas have given you some inspiration and a starting point to come up with more of your own ideas.