5 Easy In House Videos That Your Business Can Create For Free

A business person making their own in house video that will be used for their marketing.

With a wide range of powerful, low-cost, and easy-to-use video content apps now available, the biggest reason for many businesses not to use video marketing isn’t the technology but not knowing what to create videos about! Essentially, if you can write a blog about it, or have a conversation about it, then you can make a video about, too.

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Here are a few quick and easy ideas you can get started on for free.

1. The story of your business

The story of your business is a great subject for a shortform video. People might not read an epic biography or blog post about your company background, but they will watch a 1 to 2 minute video, and if it is delivered by the company founder him or herself, then so much the better. It adds a powerful thread of human credibility to your business.

Talk about how the business got started, the changes you faced, the problems you are trying to solve, and speak about it with vision, passion, and experience. You can do this either as an informal one-to-one using a camera or phone, or in an interview format with someone asking you questions.

2.Meet the team

People like to know a bit about the people who are delivering their products and services, so a good angle for video content is short one-on-one videos of key people in your business. Focus on the senior managers, salespeople, production staff, and customer facing reps to begin with, but also go behind the scenes, chatting with your front of house staff, your administrators, and apprentices. Your videos could be scripted or filmed interview style – depending on what your colleague is comfortable with – addressing questions such as their background with the company, their professional experience, what they enjoy most about their jobs, and even any quirky stories they might like to relate (double check these before you publish!).

3.Customer testimonials

A lot of people are more confident giving a verbal testimonial than a written one, so video content is a good way of breaking down barriers and giving more people the opportunity to leave feedback for your business. Interview customers either live or through Zoom/MS Teams, letting them know the questions in advance so they can prepare their answers. Take the time to thank them for their input, and maybe offer them an incentive or discount for doing so. This could be a good way of encouraging more video testimonials through an email shot to long-term customers.

4. Company overview presentation

Many businesses have a PowerPoint or slideshow to introduce themselves and their business, rolled out during virtual or face-to-face presentations. These presentations can easily be converted into short marketing videos, and you can even use a screen recording tool like Vidyard to simply record yourself giving a presentation. Here’s an example from our JDR website – what is inbound marketing?

5. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Frequently asked questions make great subjects for blog articles, landing pages, social media posts, and marketing videos. Brainstorm the 10 top questions your prospects and customers ask you, and then answer them using a short video. Do this speaking directly to the camera if you like, or using a whiteboard. You can also have a 2-to-3-person roundtable having a discussion for a slightly longer video. This is an example that we recorded from a Zoom meeting. If nothing comes to mind, ask your Facebook or LinkedIn followers if they have any questions they’d like to see in your next video. You can also use this method to answer popular keyword questions, and then publish the video alongside an article optimised for the same keyword to maximise search visibility.

Next steps

To find out more about what you can do with video marketing and how it can enrich your content marketing strategy, get in touch with one of our inbound marketing team today by clicking here.

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Image source: Canva